Monday, October 18, 2010

If Life Imitates Art, then what kind of life am I living???

I know that I can't keep every single piece of artwork that my kids create.  I have three kids and only so much storage space.   But there are certain pieces that scream "Save me!  I will make you smile some day!"  Like this picture my daughter did in first is a picture of her teacher, Mr. B, and herself walking into a sunset.  Adorable, right?

Then there are the pictures that you want to save for entirely different reasons.  Also from first grade, this picture screams "Save me!  I will be evidence one day!  And by the way, I'd lock your bedroom door at night if I were you!"


  1. And she will kill you at half past backwards twelve heart-thirty. Or the guy from Clockwork Orange with a pig snout who just ingested cheerleaders will. What, exactly, is going on in that house of yours?

  2. The weird clock doesn't even bother me as much as Pig Snout gazing up and off to the side...something about the expression on her face creeps me out.

    I think the backwards clock might be a Pagan symbol but I'm not sure. I'll have to consult the Smoking Acorns to find out.
